Justice Choir

Dear Justice Seekers,
Do you believe in the power of music to inspire change, promote justice, and unite communities? If so, we invite you to become a part of our passionate and purposeful Justice Choir!

What is the Justice Choir?
The Justice Choir is a musical ensemble dedicated to using the transformative power of song to advocate for social justice causes. We believe that music has the ability to touch hearts, open minds, and ignite the collective spirit for positive change.

Why Join the Justice Choir?
🎤 Amplify Your Voice: Joining the Justice Choir allows you to lend your voice to impactful causes and be a part of a chorus of voices committed to making a difference.
🎼 Songs of Hope: Our repertoire includes songs that express hope, resilience and a vision for a better world. Singing together, we create a powerful message that resonates with audiences far and wide.
🌟 Inclusive Community: The Justice Choir embraces diversity and welcomes all, regardless of singing experience. Our choir is a safe and supportive space where everyone's voice is valued and celebrated.
💪 United for Change: Together, we channel our musical passion into action, supporting causes that align with our Unitarian Universalist values of justice, equity, and compassion.